me X X
Heat Reflective Emergency Blanket Survival Blanket installation - me X X; me I am; me my self; me is here; me is now; me is present;
The walls have been used to decorate churches and public sculptures. (Gombrich).
Walls have been there to create ornaments to worship the Ancient Egyptian gods.
The walls have told the stories of Assyrian battles and Ancient Greek Myths. (British Museum friezes)
The walls have been the demonstration of power (China’s great Wall)
The wall as an instrument for political alienation (Berlin Wall) or a tool for propaganda (mexico wall)
The wall is also defined as a place or means of torture.
The walls have witnessed suffering, isolation, and execution.
The walls have been there to separate and protect.
The walls have been created for privacy and for punishment.
The walls have been necessary to collect and contain.
The walls as a result have acquired numerous meaning whether physical and metaphorical.
Heat Reflective Emergency Blanket Survival Blanket installation - me X X; me I am; me my self; me is here; me is now; me is present;
Tools of suprematism in progress
Blue tape installation